2nd Grade Oil Pastel Lizards with Shadows I did the first grade snail lesson and they came out so cute.

2nd Grade Oil Pastel Lizards with Shadows I did the first grade snail lesson and they came out so cute.
I’m sure I’ve posted this lesson before… I’ve done this lesson with various grade levels and with birds or mice
Materials: pencil and eraser, watercolor Paper, Crayola Watercolor Pencils (24 pack), water cups, small watercolor brushes. This is a simple
6th Grade Warm & Cool Landscapes in Watercolor Pencil The upper grades already know the color wheel, so we focus
This lesson I teach the Kindergarteners about primary and secondary colors. We use just red yellow & blue and mix
Still Life Drawing for Grades 1-3 Just a few simple materials create a still life study to introduce “observational drawing”
This year I decided to focus the first few lessons of the year on drawing. It really has been going
Since this is the first time drawing a wooden mannequin for most of the 5 th graders, my rule is
I love beginning the year with sketching for 5 & 6 grade. It is a nice reminder of all of
2nd Grade Robots with shading These robots are a step up from the 1st grade Robot Drawings.