Here’s a fun HALLOWEEN ART project, for any grade level. It can be adapted to keeping it super simple for the younger grade or more complex for the older grades. Paper, scissors, glue and pastels or crayons. Monster Collages can be done remotely with supplies students have at home.
Collage Monsters Halloween Art
This 2nd Grade lesson can be adapted to any grade level. Cut paper & oil pastels create these cute Halloween Monsters.
Materials: black card stock or construction paper, variety of colors of construction paper, glue stick, scissors, craypas oil pastels
This lesson can be done with any grade.
I pre-cut squares of different color construction paper.
We all start off cutting any shape and color for the body. Then glue it to the middle of a piece of black card stock.
We then cut the legs and arms and glue them.
At that point they can go on to the eyes, horns, tails, etc.
We use oil pastels at the end to draw in eyeballs and details.
Have fun!
-Art Teacher in LA