Halloween Art- Foil Skulls

Foil Skulls Halloween Art Lesson

The students love this project!!! It’s a great Halloween Art Lesson or Dio Los Muertos Project





Materials: Cut rectangles of Chipboard, foil, glue bottles, pencil & eraser, black acrylic paint, brush, paper towel, *optional watercolor or colored pencils

Day 1:
on card board (chip board works great, too) draw a skull.
Then go over the pencil lines with white glue. Go slowly with the glue, it needs to be pretty thick. Let it dry over night.


Day 2:
I pre-cut aluminum foil sheets.
Start off by wrapping the card board with the foil. It should not be loose.
Use a q-tip we rub the foil around the glue lines, to make them stand out.
Paint on a thin layer of black acrylic paint and quickly rub most of it off with a paper towel. it gets into the creases of the foil.
We used color pencils to add details. They seemed to be dull enough to dent the foil with out tearing it. But they don’t leave much color behind.

One of my instructors at Viridian Art Academy taught this Halloween art lesson in an after school art enrichment class with a small group of kids. He used a glue gun and glued over the kids drawings and used shoe polish instead of acrylic paint.  He was able to complete it in one class.






  1. I love this! My girls and I started this last night. We used gel glue and by this morning the glue has leveled out quite a bit. Not all the way, but a lot. My question is, did this happen because we didn’t use white glue? Or does the white glue also level out some? Thanks for such a fun project!

    1. the gel glue is not as thick as the white glue, but it should still work ok. Just be sure to really rub the foil down smooth so all the bumps of the glue can be seen.

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