DONUT ART LESSON focuses on drawing skills, creating shading and shadows. Simple materials can be used: black paper or card stock, colored drawing chalk or pastels. This elementary art project makes for a colorful classroom or art show display.

DONUT ART LESSON can be simplified for the younger grades. Simple shading techniques and values make this project a favorite every time.
- Black Cardstock
- CRAYOLA Colored Chalk set and a piece of white chalk *see post on how to organize chalk or pastel sets
- pencil & eraser
- optional- a fixative or aerosol hairspray *aquanet or suave
A DIGITAL DOWNLOAD of “DONUT Art Lesson- Values & Shadows” is available on
DOWNLOAD includes 2 bonus lessons for this art project. It also includes step by step drawings and instructions with visual & written instructions.

DIRECTIONS for Donut Art Lesson:
On black cardstock draw the donut using simple shapes. Draw in the drippy frosting. Draw in the plate, option to skip it for the younger grades. Add in a horizon line to create a background.
The wonderful thing about CRAYOLA Chalk is, most of the colors have a light and a dark shade. So it’s perfect for lessons involving values and shading.
Applying pressure on the chalk will make a bright, solid color to cover the black paper and create the light values. Using the chalk lightly will allow the black paper to show through to create the darker values.
Using the brown chalk color in one side of the cake part of the donut applying pressure to cover up the black paper to create the bright side of the donut and then softly shade in the other side, so the black paper shows through, to create the dark side of the donut. Add some white chalk horizontally across the center and just a soft swipe with a finger will blend it nicely. Lightly shade in the center hole of the donut, be sure not to fill in the part of the plate, just the donut.
*For younger grades they can color it in solid brown.
The drippy frosting can be colored. Follow the same shading techniques to create the values. With white chalk, highlight a few areas of the frosting and a gently swipe with a finger to blend it a little.
Choose any color for the plate. The ground can get solidly colored in with any other color. Using black chalk, lightly shade in a shadow on the plate and a shadow on the ground. Keep it so light that the colors still show through.
Add in sprinkles or a drizzles on top.
Option to spray with a fixative.

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