5th & 6th Grade Figure Drawing

The kids get so excited to start figure drawing. I set up all the mannequins I perfectly straight poses.
They all get a wooden mannequin at their table, but we still go step by step, following my example.

I use 9×12 paper. This year I had the students mark off guidelines with a ruler at the beginning. It made it so much smoother. The mannequins are 12in tall, so the drawing are true to life. I have done it with out guidelines and it still is a great project.
The 5th Graders just draw 1 mannequin.


The 6th Graders move through the first drawing quickly since it is review for them. I then let them pose the mannequin and draw it again. I still give examples and remind them that when the pose changes, the proportions still remain the same.



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